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Critical Team Skills
for veterinary professionals

VetTEAMS is an adaptation of the evidence-based TeamSTEPPS communication toolkit for health professionals. It's a conceptual framework identifying the core skills of successful veterinary healthcare teams and a set of evidence-based tools that can help teams develop and practice those core skills. Explore this page to learn more about VetTEAMS.

We'll be launching a comprehensive online course in the fall of 2024 to help veterinary teams learn these skills. Sign up to be notified when the course launches using the button below!

The Core VetTEAMS Skills

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In a busy healthcare environment with many distractions, constantly changing demands, and life-or-death decisions to be made, it's important to adhere to basic principles of good communication.
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Effective leaders are facilitators, not dictators. They efficiently establish a team structure, organize the team members and approach, and create an atmosphere in which all team members are encouraged to engage.
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Situation Monitoring

Although each team member has specific tasks to focus on in their clinical duties (their task-work), all team members should practice situation monitoring skills so they can stay aware of the current status of and changes in the clinical environment.
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Also known as "backup behavior," this is the concept that team members should work to assist one another, creating a practice culture where all are expected to offer and accept help, provide and receive feedback, and advocate when patient safety is threatened.


Look familiar?

Watch this video of a common team miscommunication. As you watch, think about where things go wrong and how you might avoid it. Have you ever experienced an issue like this? 

The SBAR Tool

Watch this video to learn about SBAR, a VetTEAMS tool that can be used to transmit information about a change in patient status in an efficient, clear and predictable manner.

The SBAR in action!

Now watch this video of the same clinical scenario, but this time with the use of the SBAR. 

Want to learn more about VetTEAMS?

Click the button below to be notified when the full VetTEAMS course launches in Fall of 2024.
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